2008 Larford summer festival winner
2010 Drennan knock out cup semi finalist
2010 Lindholme summer festival runner up
2012 Maver Match This runner up
2012 Maver Match This Team champ, finishing 2nd overall as an individual
2013 Larford summr festival champion
2013 Maver Match This Team champ, Finishing 3nd overall as an individual
2015 Commercial National Bronze with Team Garbolino
2016 Fish O Mania Finalist
2017 Larford lakes Summer festival champion ( only angler to win three summer festivals)
2017 Commercial National Bronze with Team Garbolino
2018 Larford Winter League Champions
Always have a good plumb around when fishing the pole to find any variations in the peg. This can be key and make such a difference finding a nice flat bottom with no silt. Area that are 6 to 8 inches deeper can also be great hotspots.