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Dave is from Stockport, and when he is not driving around the country on the bigger matches like Fishomania / Maver match this he spends most weekends at Blundell’s fishery near Warrington, a great mixed venue.  A big family man who loves taking his granddaughter out fishing. Dave also been teaching the kids at the fisho final for the last 4 years

Dave used to be a feeder specialist before commercials arrived! He's a back to back winner of the Irish King of Clubs, and 2 x Loch Ken festival winner. His results on commercials are also astounding reaching the Fishomania final no less than five times and becoming a regular winner at big venues such as Cudmore and Heronbrook.



Senior Maintenance Programmes Controller at Thomas Cooke


Viaduct Fishery in Somerset and Larford Specimen Lake


 - 5x Fish O' Mania finalist 1995, 2005, 2006, 2008 & 2009.
- 2x Irish Ferries King of Clubs winner 1999 & 2000.
- 2x Loch Ken Easter festival winner 2001 & 2005.
- Runner-up Irish Ferries King of Clubs 1998.
- Won 500-peg embassy pairs qualifier Stain forth & Keadby Canal 1998.
- Individual winner Mustad Birmingham Parks festival 2000.
- Runner-up Preston Innovations Cats & Dogs final at Bradshaw’s Fishery 2000 & 2001.
- 4 x Maver pairs finalist 2005, 2006, 2008 & 2010.
- 3 x Kamasan British open finalist.
- 3rd place Kamasan British open final 2008.
- 3rd place pair British Pole Champs at Larford 2008.
- Part of the runner-up team in the ACA masters 2009.
- Loch Ken Easter festival – 4th in 2000, 5th in 2002, 3rd in 2004.
- Runner-up 211 peg Guilders Classic annual match at Heronbrook 2010.
- 5th in the 110-peg Barston Bowl 2010.

Top Tips: 

1). Always have plenty of hook lengths

2). Before the start of any match check your elastics

3). Take care in plumbing up look for any underwater features

4). Share information it works both ways

5). Enjoy your fishing, that’s why we go!!


Meat at 5m on the deck for big carp